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"Bangladesh and integrated bank jobs how to prepare fully"

Bank jobs are now very attractive to the present young generation. Banking career is now a dream of many for social respect, attractive salary. In order to fulfill this dream, it is necessary to prepare in the right way, with proper guidance. So in today's article we will discuss how to prepare Bangladesh and integrated bank jobs.

Bangladesh and Integrated Bank Job Exam
Generally Bank Job Exam is conducted mainly in three stages-

► First preliminary of 100 marks
► After 200 marks retake exam and
► Viva of 25 no.

Bangladesh and Integrated Bank Job Preparation Tips
Usually MCQ exam has 100 marks in English, Maths, General Knowledge and Computer & Technology. How much does it take to pass? But the pass mark depends on total student participation, total seats etc. Marks of MCQU exam are not added to main marks so it is not right to take risk with more number of answers.

Some important tips to prepare for bank job
1. Start preparation with at least 2.5-3.5 months or 3.5-4.5 months. Make a routine of reading at least 4 to 5 hours every day.
2. Solve Bank Previous Year Questions - First finish Bangladesh Bank and other Govt Bank (atleast 8-10 years) questions first.
3. Don't forget to note down important and confusing information. Covering these will bring out your strengths and weaknesses.

Bangladesh and Integrated Bank Job Complete Preparation Program
A specific study plan at the right time is necessary to realize your bank job dream. By studying according to that study plan, you can refine your preparation by taking exams. So you can take complete preparation program for Bangladesh and integrated bank jobs.

This program has-

👉 35 subject based tests
👉 Revision test 14
👉 Full Model Test 10

Bangladesh and Integrated Bank Job Complete Preparation Routine and Syllabus
There is no specific syllabus for bank job exam. A syllabus is prepared based on the questions asked in various bank exams. In bank job preparation routine, therefore, the syllabus is into different sections and covered. Revision test and full model test are also kept.

Bank Job Preparation Routine
Now let's have a look at the list of some books which will help you in your preparation.

1. You can read Munir Chowdhury's (9th-10th class board book) Bengali language and grammar book.
2. From Bengali literary works, you can read different eras of the language, Charyapad, early, medieval literary works etc. For these you can check Bengali literature books for BCS preparation such as professor series books, books by Soumitra Shekhar sir.
3. You can check previous year question bank and solutions.

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Also Read: Bank Job Preparation: How To Start Preparation
1 You can read a good quality book for Synonym/ antonym/ Analogy/ one word substitution. For example, you can see Saifur's book.
2. You can check some websites like India Bix, Sawal.com etc. For grammar Cliff's TOEFL, Wrein & Martin er grammar books are very good.
3. Previous year question-solutions.

1. You can refer any good quality book of past year question solutions for maths. Professor Series Saifur's Math book is also good.
2. Khairul Bank Retain Math book can be seen.
3. Keep textbooks of class 7th, 8th and 9th close at hand.

General knowledge
1. For General Knowledge will be Current World/Affairs etc. Moreover, one should read seriously about banking, sports, economy, budget, Nobel Prize, banks and currency of different countries etc.

2. Read daily newspaper regularly.
3. Bangladeshi and international books of any series in the market. Eg Professors/Mp3 etc.

Computers and Technology:
1. For computer part you can take help of information technology (9th-10th class board books). Read previous year questions with explanation and related information instead of just solving previous year questions. Like Easy Guide etc.
2. Previous year question paper solutions.
Bangladesh and integrated bank job with full preparation till today.

